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Zinc Carbonate


Zinc Carbonate has the chemical formula 2(ZnCO3) * 3(Zn(OH)2).


Zinc Carbonate is used to remove sulphides caused by the intrution of hydrgen sulphide gas in water based muds. Zinc Carbonate reacts to precipitate soluble sulphide as insoluble zinc sulphide. The reaction is repid and will occur over broad pH range including both alkaline and acid environments. Zinc Carbonate is non-corrosive to ferrous metal and protects rig personnel from hydrogen sulphide poisoning.


2.8 kg/m3 (1 lb/bbl) of Zinc Carbonate removes approximately 500 ppm of hydrogen sulphide from solution. An initial treatment of 6 – 9 kg/m3 (2 – 3 lb/bbl) of Zinc Carbonate is recommended when hydrogen sulphide gas is anticipated. The sulphide or Zinc Carbonate content of the muds can be determined with the Hach test or the Garrett Gas Train. Large intrusion of hydrogen sulphide may require additional Zinc Carbonate treatments. Large additional of Zinc Carbonate need to be made quickly, some increase in rheological properties may occur, but addition of water and/or a deflocculant such as safethin should restore satisfactory flow properties. Zinc Carbonate has a density similar to that of barite and will require a viscosifier of it is used in water or brine system.


Appearance white pearl of flakes

Specific gravity 3.8

pH in H2O neutral

Bulk density 432 kg/m3 (27 lb/ft3)


Utilize normal precaution for employee protection when handling chemical products.

Use of appropriate respirator gloves, goggles and apron is recommended for employee comfort and protection.


Zinc Carbonate does not have a restricted classification for transportation by the international or domestic regulatory agencies.


Zinc Carbonate is packaged in 25 or 50 kg PE+PP sacks.

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