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Potassium Chloride


POTASSIUM CHLORIDE is chemically represented by the formula KCL and is also know by the name muriate of potash.


POTASSIUM CHLORIDE provides potassium ions to inhibit shale swelling and dispersion.

Add POTASSIUM CHLORIDE to obtain the potassium ion level needed to maximize the integrity of drill cutting and to maintain borehole stability.

Recommended treatment

POTASSIUM CHLORIDE can be added throughthe mud hopper. Drilling conditions and system requirements will determine the concentrations needed. It is suggested that the potassium ion level be monitored by approved test menthods, including the specific electrode technique, in order to determine the tourly treatment levels to follows.

KCL expressed as K2O.

Typical physical properties

Appearance…………………White to reddish crystal

Specific gravity …................2.0

Solubility in water…………………….25% weight

Temperature stability…………………1500C( 3020F)

Safe handling recommendations

Utilize normal precaution for employee protection when handling chemical products.

Use of appropriate respirator gloves, goggles and apron is recommended for employee comfort and protection


KCL does not have a restricted classification for transportation by the international or domestic regulatory agencies.


KCL is packaged in 50 kg PP bags and is packaged in 1 MT big bags.

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